Our list of essential steps in your pregnancy’s first exciting trimester

woman pregnant in first trimester Sylacauga Al OBGYN

Our list of essential steps in your pregnancy’s first exciting trimester

If you’ve just received the two little blue lines or a call from your doctor confirming your pregnancy, congratulations! We know it can feel both exciting and overwhelming all at the same time, especially when diving into research, books, and guides on how to have a safe, happy, and healthy pregnancy. 

According to many experienced moms and pregnant women out there, the first few weeks after finding out you’re pregnant, as well as the entire first trimester, can be especially hard. 

Filled with lots of questions, never-ending nausea, morning sickness, low energy, and often feeling like a walking zombie, this critical time of your pregnancy is when you should put yourself first and implement a few key steps to ensure your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible. 

However, many newly pregnant women find themselves confused and overwhelmed with all of the information, tips, and advice crammed into books and online resources. 

This is why our experienced group of obstetricians and gynecologists at Sylacauga OB-GYN put together a go-to list of doctor’s recommendations regarding what you should do during the first trimester of your pregnancy! Check it out below. 

Essential Steps to Take During the First Trimester for a Smooth Pregnancy 

Choose Your Prenatal Care Provider 

First things first – choose a physician or doctor who has extensive experience and an established reputation for helping women and guiding them along during their pregnancy. 

It’s essential to choose someone who understands the complexities of pregnancy, as well as someone who recognizes how special this time is in your life. Remember, for a successful and easy going pregnancy, it’s vital to find a doctor that is the right fit for you to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible! 

Sylacauga OB-GYN’s Dr. Jonathan Rehberg and Dr. Emily McInnis are two of your best choices in the area. With 25+ years between them caring for women’s gynecological health and obstetric needs, their patients will tell you that they and their nurses create peace of mind and a positive atmosphere during all nine months of your pregnancy.

Make Your First Prenatal Appointment 

Shortly after finding out you’re pregnant and choosing the right doctor for you, it’s time to make your first prenatal appointment! Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks to get an appointment, so you’ll want to put your name on the list as soon as possible.

Additionally, this first appointment is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Between the time you schedule the appointment and go to it, make sure to keep a list of any questions that pop up. (Writing them down, so you don’t forget, is one way to beat pregnancy brain!) 

Find a Quality Prenatal Supplement 

After finding out you’re pregnant, an essential step for a healthy and happy pregnancy is taking a high-quality prenatal supplement. Two critical nutrients for both the mother and baby during pregnancy are: 

  • Folic acid — This aids in the proper formation of a baby’s neural tube (where the spinal cord and brain develop). 
  • Iron — Necessary to avoid anemia.

Most (if not all) prenatal vitamins contain these two fundamental nutrients and a plethora of other vitamins that fill in the gaps if you aren’t eating various nutrient-dense foods. 

Prioritize Sleep 

We know this may seem like an obvious one, but if you’re a busy bee, it can often seem hard to slow down and slip under the covers earlier than you usually would! 

But during the first trimester, you’ll likely experience ample amounts of exhaustion and fatigue as your body adjusts to the influx of hormones. Thus, make sure you prioritize sleep and get enough Zzz’s every night to keep your body in tip-top shape for the little one you’re growing! 

Alter Your Diet 

Once you get the confirmation of your pregnancy, it’s time to alter your diet! Unfortunately, you’ll have to say goodbye to a few things you may love… like lunch meat, wine, raw seafood, and excessive amounts of caffeine (that said, we think one cup of coffee is okay!). 

Instead, swap those foods out for nutrient-dense alternatives, like dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds (great for omega-3s!), and healthy carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and brown rice. 

However, we know those pregnancy cravings can be persistent! So don’t overthink it if you’re craving some chocolate or an ooey-gooey grilled cheese sandwich. 


Sylacauga OB-GYN is the premier provider of obstetric and gynecological services in Sylacauga, Alexander City, Talladega, and the surrounding areas. From your first exam to your new little one’s delivery, our staff and providers are here to make your journey as smooth as possible. At Sylacauga Obstetrics & Gynecology, we are ready to answer your questions, provide support, and guide your process during your baby’s growth! 

No need to drive to Birmingham to receive a superior quality of care for you and your impending bundle of joy. We are big town doctors with small-town care! For more information about healthy pregnancies, delivery options, and more, give us a call at 256-249-6995 or email us at [email protected]